
Saturday, August 04, 2007

India's IB among top five intelligence agencies in the world

According to the private American intelligence news gathering entity Strategic Forecasting (STRATFOR), the Intelligence Bureau (IB), India's main domestic security and counter-terrorism force, is among the top five intelligence agencies in the world. IB's strength is in physical surveilance, including lock picking, safe cracking, key impressions, finger printing, photography, electronic surveillance (audio (bugging) or visual (micro cams)), mail manipulation (flaps and seals), forgery. Set up in 1885, IB is the oldest intelligence agency in the world.

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  • no way , indians intelligence agecies r corrupt and simply nothing,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 14, 2009 6:19 PM  

  • indian intelligence agencies are kept in a cloud of secrecy to protect them from unwanted foreign and local media attention. no one really knows what goes in the down and dirty world of the guys at RAW and Ib. But i figure they do a reasonable job. especially since the funding they get is minimal compared to their american israeli or even pakistani counter parts. Other than the normal funding that ISI gets from the govt. its well known fact the it controls pakistani politics and has most of the tax payer's money to its discretion.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At July 09, 2009 4:01 AM  

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